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Muscle Exercises

Upper Area

Neck Exercises

Trap Training Notes: training the trap muscle means strengthening the neck area. Strengthening of the neck may be a necessity for both professional athletes preparing for competitions and many others who excessively strain these muscles due to wrong habits or for work.
Elements of Trap Anatomy: this muscle is shaped like a fan whose upper edge defines the slope that goes from the neck to the shoulder. The trap muscle is attached to the skull, it helps keep your head straight and rotate it allowing you to move your shoulders back.

  • Upright RowBarbell 

Effective trapezius exercise: Standing with your torso straight. Separate your legs to shoulder width. Take hold of the barbell, with your hands farther apart than your legs. Lift the barbell, bringing it to the height of your chest, and lining up your elbows with your shoulders. Keep your torso straight during the exercise. Return to the starting position.

Shoulders Exercises

ShouldersTraining Notes: strengthening the muscles of this area is truly important both for aesthetic and functional reasons. Strong and robust shoulders greatly reduce chances of trauma (among these, the most common and frequent are lesions to the rotator cuff). At the same time, shoulders toned and well-defined through adequate training provide the body with increased balance enhancing the famous V-shaped back.
Elements of Shoulder Anatomy: the movement of the shoulder is entirely covered by the deltoid muscle and below by the rotator cuff. The deltoid muscle is roughly divided into three parts: front, side and back. The deltoid muscle raises the arm and allows it to move in every direction.

  • Dumbbell Front Raise 

Muscles involved Shoulders , Neck
Dumbbell Front Raise: an excellent exercise to train the anterior deltoid muscle 

  • Hindu Push Up

Muscles involved Chest , Shoulders , Triceps , Neck
Hindu Push Up is an advanced exercise used in martial arts, to strengthen simultaneously chest muscles, shoulders muscles and triceps muscles.

  • Cuban rotation 
Muscles involved Shoulders
Rotator cuff exercise to strengthen or rehabilitate your rotator cuff. Obviously if you use this exercise for rehabilitation, you should start with no weight, or with a light weight.

  • Closures on head
Muscles involved Shoulders , 
BicepsLegs bent, and separated more than shoulder width. Arms open and slightly bent, so that the dumbbells are on axis with the shoulders. Keeping the elbow angle unchanged, lift the dumbbells and bring them to a vertical line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position. 

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Muscles involved Shoulders , Neck
A basic and easy exercise to perform, suitable for beginners and for professionals looking to exercise their all three areas of their deltoid muscle. It is fundamental to learn the correct technique before using heavy weights, in order to avoid risking damage to the spine.

  • Bent over lateral raises

Muscles involved Shoulders , NeckA specific shoulder exercise to work the rear muscles of the deltoid. This exercise is of medium difficulty for training shoulders, and we therefore advise you to strengthen the lumbar muscles in order to avoid risking damage to your back. 

Biceps exercises for train arm muscles

Biceps Training: this muscle is a true obsession of bodybuilders and beyond. In the process of building a harmonious body, the bicep muscle must be proportional to the shoulder and vice-versa. In fact, overly developed bicep muscles often do not stand out because they are overshadowed by overly enlarged shoulders. For this reason we suggest you constantly modify your biceps training based on the growth rate of your deltoid muscles.

Bicep Anatomy: as the name implies, the bicep muscle is made up of two ends. The bicep determines the bending of the elbow and allows lifting of the hand toward the face. It also allows the forearm to turn to a flat position.

  • Barbell Curls

Legs apart the width of the shoulders, and slightly bent, so as to avoid loading the weight on your back. Your arms extended down your sides. Keep your torso perfectly straight. Bend your forearms bringing them towards your chest. While doing this, your elbows must remain in their original position. Remember, you must not curve your torso backwards. Return to the starting position.

  • Alternating Curls

Stand up with your legs spread to the width of your shoulders. Hold your torso straight. Stretch your arms completely along your sides. Keeping your arm and shoulder immobile, bend your forearm. While doing this, your elbow must remain motionless to avoid involving the front shoulder muscles and isolate the workload on the biceps. Return to the starting position and perform the same movements with the other arm.

  • Concentration curl

Sit down on a bench. Curve your torso slightly forward and lean your elbow on your knee. Your arm is completely extended. Bend your forearm, bringing it near your biceps. Return to the starting position fully stretching out your arm. 

  • Alternating hammer curls

This exercise is most commonly used in training designed to build muscle mass, and is a very effective means of stimulating the two heads of the biceps muscle. This biceps muscle exercise is particularly suitable for developing the brachioradialis and the anterior biceps brachii. 

  • Reverse barbell curl

"Reverse barbell curl" is a variant of the classic "curls", which train the bicep muscles. The reverse grip, with palms facing downward, practically excludes the involvement of the bicep muscle, leaving most of the workload to the muscles of the forearms.

Triceps Exercises

Triceps Training: we suggest you pay special attention to the training of this muscle since, as it was said earlier, its proper balance is proportional to the size of your shoulders. In fact, shoulders that are too big negatively affect the visual impact of this muscle. Plus, we point out the importance of the positioning of your hands while executing your triceps exercises as they determine the position of the muscle to be trained.
Triceps Anatomy: large and voluminous muscle located in the back of the humerus. As the name implies, the triceps has three heads: long, medial and lateral. The primary action of the triceps is to extend the elbow and balance the articulation of the shoulder.

  • Kickbacks

This exercise is great for stimulating all ares of the triceps muscle. You can perform this exercise for triceps at home or in the gym, you need only 2 dumbbells.

  • Hindu Push Up

Hindu Push Up is an advanced exercise used in martial arts, to strengthen simultaneously chest muscles, shoulders muscles and triceps muscles. 

  • Dips with 2 benches

Ideal exercise to train your triceps everywhere. 

  • Dumbbells triceps extensions

This exercise, also known as a dumbbell "French press", exercises the long head of the tricep muscle. Similarly, the hand in neutral position exercises the medial and lateral heads of the tricep. 

  • Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Stand up with your torso straight and legs slightly bent. Lift your arms vertically and turn your elbows forward. Bend your elbows slightly, so that the dumbbells are a bit behind the axis of the torso and of the arms. Descend backwards with the dumbbells, being careful that your elbows do not move outwards. Return to the starting position.

  • Spartans Push Up

This exercise, is a very advanced variant, of the push up. Your chest slightly off the ground. One hand in a vertical line with the elbow, so that the arm forms a right angle. The other hand is slightly behind the pectoral. Give yourself, an explosive push upwards, and invert the position of the hands, before they touch the ground again.

Forearm Exercises

Forearm Training: an important reminder for everyone who wishes to train the forearm muscles: this muscle is always stimulated, even though indirectly, during all exercises that include any type of grasping (barbells, dumbbells and various machines).
Anatomy of the Forearms: the forearm is a mass that comprises about 20 different muscles, built primarily by two muscular compartments; the flexors, on the side of the palm of the hand and the extensors on the other side. These muscles regulate the movement of the wrist, fingers, thumb and control turning hands face up and down.

  • Reverse barbell curl

"Reverse barbell curl" is a variant of the classic "curls", which train the bicep muscles. The reverse grip, with palms facing downward, practically excludes the involvement of the bicep muscle, leaving most of the workload to the muscles of the forearms. 

  • Wrist curls with barbell

This exercise contract the flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, and the flexsor digitorum superficialis and profundus. The latter two muscles. Although located deep in the wrist, make up most of the muscle mass of the wrist flexors.

Middle Area

Chest Exercises

Chest Training: The pectoral is a single large muscle that is unfortunately often erroneously divided into upper, lower, outer and inner pectorals. Conversely, these terms actually represent only areas of the great pectoral that can be additionally stimulated through targeted exercises that also work the entire muscle.
Pectoral Training for Women: Contrary to common belief, pectoral training for women cannot prevent relaxation of the breast. In fact, training the great pectoral means toning only the muscle located below the breast which is, on the other hand, made up of connective and glandular tissue.
Pectoral Anatomy: the great pectoral is shaped like a fan and it occupies most part of the thoracic wall. It allows moving your arm forward and sideways; it is therefore an adductor muscle.

  • Knee push ups - hands as chest width

Hindu Push Up is an advanced exercise used in martial arts, to strengthen simultaneously chest muscles, shoulders muscles and triceps muscles. 

  • Hindu Push Up

Hindu Push Up is an advanced exercise used in martial arts, to strengthen simultaneously chest muscles, shoulders muscles and triceps muscles. 

  • Spartans Push Up

This exercise, is a very advanced variant, of the push up. Your chest slightly off the ground. One hand in a vertical line with the elbow, so that the arm forms a right angle. The other hand is slightly behind the pectoral. Give yourself, an explosive push upwards, and invert the position of the hands, before they touch the ground again.

  • Dumbbell presses on swiss ball

This exercise is ideal for working the chest muscles while improving your stability. This exercise is used by women as during the execution of this exercise, we recommend the use of light weights to avoid excessive loads in the back.

  • Push Up

Separate your legs slightly. Place your hands in a vertical line from your shoulders. Arms half bent. Lower yourself until you barely touch the ground with your chest and then return to the starting position. 

  • Bench Presses

Classic exercise to develop the pectoral muscles in the gym or at home. 

Abs Exercises

 Abs Training Notes: we must clarify one thing regarding the training of this muscle; the "rectus abdominus" (straight muscle of the abdomen) is a single broad muscle, although it is often erroneously classified into upper and lower abs. In reality, these terms only indicate areas of the straight muscle that can be stimulated though targeted exercises that still work the entire straight muscle of the abdomen.
Elements of Abdominal Anatomy: the abdominal wall can be primarily classified into two main sections; the front section made up of only one muscle (the rectus abdominus) and the lateral section made up of three layers of muscles (external oblique, internal oblique and the traverse abdominal).
  • Crunch elbow towards knee - alternated

This is a basic exercise to train the oblique muscles of the abdominal area. It 'an exercise of medium difficulty, during which the neck muscles can be stressed more than necessary, but as always with training these muscles will adapt well to stress.

  • 4 Times Abs
4 Time abs is excellent exercise for working the lower abdomen area. With this exercise, you can firm/toning lower abdomen without any equipments. 

  • Pressing up with dumbbell

Good exercise to train the abdominal muscles using a weight. You can perform this exercise at home on in the gym, you can use more weight when your muscle is trained.
  • Alternate crossing of the feet

Alternate crossing of the feet: this exercise keeps your abs in constant tension and stimulates particular area of the lower abdominal muscle.

  • Vertical leg crunches
Vertical leg crunches: this exercise is particularly suitable for working upper abs area of the abdominal muscle.
  • Push Through

Push Through is one of the best "abdominal exercises" for working the upper area of the abdomen. The focus of this exercise is to push the hands inside the legs. As you push through, contract your abdomen voluntarily to obtain the best possible result. 

  • Rotation Oblique Crunch

Legs completely stretched out and one hand behind the head. Raise your trunk while it rotates in the direction of the opposite leg. At the same time, move the leg closer carrying the knee parallel to the pelvis. Return to the starting position. 

Oblique Abdominal Exercises

Obique Abdominals Training Note: completely isolating the lateral section of our abdomen is no easy task, however the following exercises have been expressly formulated to stimulate as much as possible the lateral muscles of the abdominal wall.
Elements of Oblique Abdominal Anatomy: this muscle includes two parts: the internal and the external. Contracting the obliques of just one side of the torso determines its lateral bending. The simultaneous bending of the muscles of both sides supports the "rectus abdominus" in its primary function to bend the torso.

  • Foot 2 Foot Crunch

Best oblique exercises: this is one of the best exercises to train the "oblique abdominal muscles. " 

  • Crunch elbow towards knee - alternated

This is a basic exercise to train the oblique muscles of the abdominal area. It 'an exercise of medium difficulty, during which the neck muscles can be stressed more than necessary, but as always with training these muscles will adapt well to stress.

  • Double twist

Double twist: Advanced exercise for oblique abs, you must keep in balance against the abdomen. This exercise has shown to work the oblique muscle of abdomen. 

  • Rotation Oblique Crunch

Legs completely stretched out and one hand behind the head. Raise your trunk while it rotates in the direction of the opposite leg. At the same time, move the leg closer carrying the knee parallel to the pelvis. Return to the starting position.

  • Alternating Curls 
Lie on the ground, with your shoulders raised slightly so that your upper abdomen remains tense throughout the exercise. Position your feet slightly apart with respect to your pelvis. Raise your upper torso, rotating it slightly to one side, while simultaneously moving the opposite knee in the same direction. Try to keep your knee at the same angle as you move it towards your upper torso. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on your other side.

Exercises for back muscles

Back Training Note: the back is made up of three primary muscles. For this reason we wish to point out that training only the dorsal muscle produces an incomplete workout. To achieve the much desirable V-shaped back, which spells perfection, you must also train the trap and the sacrospinalis muscle.
Elements of Dorsal Muscle Anatomy: the large dorsal muscle is very broad and it is shaped like a triangle. This muscle originates from the bottom half of the spine and from the lower extremity of the pelvis. This muscle generates downward traction from behind the shoulder allowing the arm to move toward the body.
  • Dumbbell Row Exercise

Take a position with one knee and one hand on the bench. The hand holding the dumbbell is in a straight line with your shoulder. Do not excessively curve your torso. Contracting your dorsal muscle, lift the dumbbell to bring it parallel to your side. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, and then slowly lower the dumbbell to a position vertical to the shoulder.
  • Pull up Exercise

Pull Up is a good example of widespread muscle exercise for training at home. The only needed equipment is the fixed bar. Pull Up is the effective exercise for strengthening back, especially the dorsal muscle. It appears to be a compound exercise since it requires the cooperation of several muscle groups (several joints involved). Depending on your physical you can do it with the assistance or with additional weight. It is highly recommended for athletes who want to strengthen the upper body.

  • Cable Rows, Seated , Wide Grip

Step 1
Position yourself on the cable pulley machine.

Step 2Place feet on the foot plates and grasp the handles using a wide grip. Make sure you select the appropriate handle type.

Step 3As you inhale pull the cable towards your torso until it touches the lower rib cage.

Step 4At the end of the movement your back should be arched and elbows as far back as they can go but tucked into the sides.

Step 5Exhale and return to the start position.

Step 6Keep a straight back throughout the movement with a slight bend in the knees.

  • Bent Over Row, Dumbbell, Alternating

Step 1Standing with a dumbbell in each hand, bend at the waist at 45 degrees

Step 2Contract the shoulderblades together

Step 3Pull the dumbbells back towards your chest and contract the lats even more

Step 4Lower your arms and back to the start position

Lower Back Exercisesv

Lumbar Training Notes: it is fundamentally important to train this muscular area, at least as much as other abdominal muscles. In fact overlooking to train the lumbar muscles could cause or worsen posture problems. Therefore, the correct alignment of lumbar muscles is beneficial to everyone with bad posture habits or bad working conditions, which tend to experience incorrect posture during the day.
Elements of Lumbar Anatomy: these muscles are classified into three separate categories; the iliocostalis, the longissimus and the spinalis. The lumbar muscles are the pillars of strength of the lower back and they contribute to balancing and stretching the spine.

  • Back extension

Step 1Lie face down on a gym mat with arms out straight in front of you

Step 2Simultaneously raise both arms and legs off the ground

Step 3Hyper extend the spine to raise the chest

Step 4Pause and hold this raised position for the required time, usually 10 to 30 secs

Step 5Slowly lower to the start position

  • Superman

Step 1: Lie face down on a gym mat with arms out straight in front of you

Step 2: Simultaneously raise both arms and legs off the ground

Step 3: Hyper extend the spine to raise the chest

Step 4: Pause and hold this raised position for the required time, usually 10 to 30 secs

Step 5: Slowly lower to the start position

  • Superman, Alternating
Step 1Lie face down on a gym mat with your arms straight above your head.

Step 2Tense your abdominals and keep your head and neck straight.

Step 3Simultaneously raise one arm and the opposing leg

Step 4Make sure the arm and leg remain straight at the elbow and knee.

Step 5Pause for a second at the extremity of the movement and lower down to the start.

Step 6Repeat with the other arm & leg

Step 7This is one repetition